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The Law Office of Jennifer J. McCaskill, LLC - Red Bank, New Jersey Family Law & Divorce Lawyers

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5 Essential Strategies When Facing False Accusations in Court in Monmouth County, NJ

Navigating the legal system in Monmouth County, New Jersey, can be daunting. This is especially true when faced with false accusations in court. Understanding how to handle these situations effectively is crucial. This is because the implications can be severe and far-reaching. It is important to know and protect your legal rights.  When false accusations […]


How Does a Family Court Determine If a Parent Is Unfit?

Generally speaking, New Jersey likes to leave parenting to parents. However, there are some situations – such as divorce, domestic abuse, or a child custody dispute – where a court or social services agency must intervene. Finding a parent unfit is one of the most extreme forms of intervention.  Factors a Court Will Consider When […]


Can I Stop a Divorce in Monmouth County If the Paperwork Has Already Been Filed?

Divorce is the final ending of a marriage. At the end of a divorce case, the court orders property to be divided a certain way, decides who will have custody of the couple’s children, determines how much support must be paid, and restores the spouse’s former last name, if requested.  The process of divorce can […]


Can I Modify My Child Custody Arrangement Without Going to Court?

The only constant in life is change. For example, you might suffer an unexpected divorce, your children grow up, you change jobs, you move from one place to another, and more. These changes might affect your child custody arrangements. You can’t see your child after school on weekdays, for instance, if you take a job […]


The Vital Role of Child Custody Lawyers and Their Significance

Navigating family law matters can often be emotional and complex, especially when children are involved. Amidst the various proceedings, the role of child custody lawyers stands out prominently.  For those unfamiliar with this area of law, understanding the significance of child custody lawyers can be crucial for ensuring the best interests of the children involved. […]


Difference Between Lawyer and Attorney 

While often used interchangeably, there is a difference between a lawyer and an attorney. Both attorneys and lawyers are legal professionals that graduated from law school. However, attorneys and lawyers often have different roles, responsibilities, and tasks that they are permitted to perform.  The following are common fields of law that attorneys and lawyers may […]


Is There Common Law Marriage in New Jersey?

New Jersey is not among the few states that recognize common law marriage. Therefore, unwed couples do not share the same rights as married couples. However, domestic partners could be entitled to palimony and other rights in some situations.  What Is Common Law Marriage? Common law marriage is a marriage formed without a marriage license […]


What Does Child Support Cover in Monmouth County, NJ?

If you and your spouse divorce or separate, the court hearing your case will likely establish a child support order. This order directs the parent without primary custody of the child to pay the other parent monetary support. This obligation generally continues until the child either turns 18 years old or graduates from high school.  […]


Divorce, Dissolution, and Legal Separation – What’s the Difference?

A dissolution of marriage is the legal process through which a marriage is terminated, generally referring to a “no-fault” divorce. In New Jersey, divorce is sometimes referred to as “dissolution.”  Therefore, there is no difference between divorce and dissolution in New Jersey. Both terms refer to the legal end of a marriage.  Unlike other states, […]


What’s the Difference Between Alimony vs. Spousal Support in New Jersey?

Alimony is financial support paid from one spouse to another spouse during and after a divorce. Spousal support is another name for alimony. New Jersey alimony laws provide for several forms of spousal support.  Why Switch Terms From Alimony to Spousal Support in New Jersey? Many states use the term “spousal support” to describe alimony […]

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